Original Music by Joe Hampton & The Kingpins

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The Kingpins original CD's

Beware ..... some of this music is far out, man  ......

Revenge for Tomorrow

Released by Joe Hampton Music in 1999, this CD has on it musicians: Matt Wellen, Steve Shaughnessy, Mark Gatz, Glenn Brewster, and Richard Rosch; as well as the featured artists Joe Hampton, Dominick Cantasano and Gerry Giliberti. Song titles are: Crazy Feeling, People in Power, Stress for Success, The Reason is Clear, The Relatives, He Lost His Marbles, Living a Lie, You Don't Know What's Right, Push me too Far, Look up at the Sky, The Life you Live, Get out of the House, What Do You Think You Can Do, Garbage Man, and The House of Pain.

Guilty as SIn

This CD was produced and engineered by Dave Portocarrero at Black Dog Studios, cover photo by Gail Evans and artwork by Dominick Cantasano ...copyright in 2001. Titles are: Bad News, Guilty as Sin, Long Gone People, I Thought we Had an Understanding, What you Gonna do About It, Come on Down, Mind Gone to Jelly, Digestion, I'm Not Going Back, That's the Way I Feel, and Fifty Three Merc.

Not Afraid of Anything

This CD is a real garage band type, and contains the songs: Not Afraid of Anything, Emergency Room, Bonehead, Phone to Rome, I Want You Bad, Mean Man, I Don't Like That Talk, Is it Getting you Down, Destruction, I Don't Like It, Don't Shoot Me, Society is Snapping, Chinese Water Torture, Guardrail, and Androids Hair. This one was produced in 2003 by Joe Hampton Music. Most songs are by Joe Hampton and Matt Wellen.

Alligator Shoes

I love the cover of this one, it's a painting on a denim jacket done by Robert Thompson. This one was produced in 2004 by Dave Portocarrero and Joe Hampton. Artists on this CD are: Joe Hampton, Dave Portocarerro, Matt Wellen, Jim Nanos, Chris Bruschi, Tom Jorgensen, Howard Boring, Al Vogel, Glenn Brewster, Rick Salter, Peter Nanos, Carl Obrig, and Joe DeBenedetto. This CD has the well known songs Alligator Shoes, Let's Shake It, In the Dark, Sharp Teeth, You Put Me on The Spot, Biker, On the Way Down, I'd Like to Find Out, Hollywood, Television Transfusion, Wheel Loose, On A Train, and Nobody Cares.